
Saturday, 12 December 2015

Preparation for Mock Teaching

What is mock teaching?
In my opinion, mock teaching is a rehearsal activity of teaching that need to done in order to become a teacher.It is process in which a student think themselves as a teacher and the other classmates as their students and conduct a lesson. 

At first time, my lecture assign me to do mock teaching based on the lesson plan we created.In my first pedagogy class, I started to feel nervous when I heard that my lecture said that my assignment 2 is mock teaching.This is because, I still couldn't imagine myself standing in front of the class and teach. However, I know that as a future teacher,I have to undergone this situation and try to give my best as I can. One of my disadvantage is that I have never seen a student doing mock teaching before this. This reason make me stress me a little but it is one of the challenge that I need to faced and drive me to the success. To overcome the challenge, I try to get some advices from my seniors on how to get done with my mock teaching. One of my senior, her name is Shamita. She help me a lot by giving ideas on do and dont's that we need to care during the mock teaching. One of the example is she ask me try engage the students in learning activities by asking questions to them rather than writing on the board, explaining slides and handouts. This advice that I took as my main point to create my lesson plan. 

Based on my pedagogy course, we should create our lesson plan before we conduct the lesson. As my assignment was on create three lesson plan and choose one of the lesson plan for mock teaching. During the preparation for lesson plan, I have undergone a lot of difficulties in arranging my lesson plan especially the lesson plan for mock teaching. Before creating the lesson plan, we should choose the topic first. When choosing the topic for form 1 Mathematics really I feel difficult and I go through the syllabus for more than 20 times. Then, finally I have chosen my topic that I am going to teach is Fractions and Decimals. This topic is a very important topic in mathematics that which will base for other topic that going to learn in further. As a preparation for lesson plan, I have searched browser and watched some youtube videos on how to teach the fractions and decimals in an effective way. Moreover, I also go through my notes that I have been get during my form 1 Mathematics for handouts. These is little bit curious for you when I am saying that having form 1 Mathematics notes. This is because until now I have a collection of mathematics reference book,exercise book and handouts that given by teachers from form 1 until form 6. The reasons why I having this collection because I love to learn mathematics. As a prove, even though I do not like to teach but for learning mathematics I have chosen this course for my career. Moreover, in my free time I am always take one of my mathematics exercise and do the questions in the book.This activity really helpful for me when creating the handouts and worksheets for the lesson plan. In addition, I also try to get the latest Mathematics textbook Form 1 from my sisters to make my lesson plan  real that I can be used when I have become a teacher. It took almost 4-5 days for creating my handouts and worksheets to students.

Next is lesson plan creation. This is my first time on creating lesson plan for my assignment, so I have planned well before creating the lesson plan.The lesson plan creation took almost 3 days to do and arranged in manner way.

Finally, mock teaching preparation. This stage is a stage that give me awareness on the mistakes that I have done in my handouts and lesson plans. For mock teaching we need to practice first, so that to have an effective teaching in the class because this is my first time of teaching mathematics in class. As an educator, we all should familiar with the proverbs "practice make perfects. In each activity that we went through should be use the proverb.

The preparation for mock teaching is a experience that will be remembered until whole teaching journey. The mock teaching is a base for me to achieve my career as a teacher. I hope that this preparation will help to do my best for my mock teaching presentation.

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