First of all, I like to wish all my classmates congrats that they have done a good job on their mock teaching. The mock teaching will them as a first stepping stone to achieve their dreams to become a teacher.Moreover, being an educator is not an easy thing but it is something more than other professions.
In my opinion, the best mock teaching which I like the most was the Economics mock teaching done my Denslee Eng. The teaching style that he have used in his mock teaching is really impressed me. One of the example, before he start the lesson of the day, he try to recall the previous lesson for students. This strategic is really good that can help the students to remember what they have been learned from the previous lesson as well. Moreover, the method to deliver the lessons is really from others method. He uses colourful booklet as handouts that have contain a very detailed about the chapter he going to teach. The booklet also contain the notes and also worksheets. The booklet is really good because when teacher wrote notes on the board and students copied in their notebooks, it takes a lot of time just for write and copy. In addition, the booklet also look small size, thin and the notes are clearly illustrate.
Moreover, another strategic that he have used in his teaching method is power point slides that is advanced. The power point slides that he used is really clearly illustrate the each points in the chapter. This makes the students to be more understandable.
Furthermore, the strategic that he have been used was handworks that he have made by himself. Rather than only using power point method, he also use handwork such as manila cards and mahjong paper with colourful fonts. The fonts that have been used was huge enough that every students can see clearly even from the last table and also clearly illustrated. This method really make me to stay focus on the learning process because with the colourful stuffs that he have used in the teaching method. In the manila cards, he stick some pictures that related to the daily life. He try to relate the lesson with the examples pictures involve of daily life activities which could make me more understandable. This method help him to use well the time given to him rather than writing a huge notes on the white board until student feel bored.
In addition, he recap the lesson by showing some example to students such as grapes. The grapes make me until now also remember the lesson he have taught. Moreover, the personality that he reflect as a teacher from his dressing sense. He prove that attire really create an impression to people.
As a future educator, I really prefer to Dens Lee approaching method to student such as the effort he took to attract students and make student understandable on what they have learned on. I am really thankful to my pedagogy classmates who giving me the chance to see on the examples of mock teaching which were helpful for me to prepare myself as future educator.
b) the things that I saw during the mock teaching presentation which should be avoided
i) Avoid using whiteboard too much
- This is because when a teacher uses the whiteboard as it will consume so much of time just by writing and erasing rather than delivering lessons to students. Moreover, when teacher are busy writing notes for students reference, but the students are busy in doing other things. This make the students less concentrate during lessons. So, please try to avoid using white board as can as possible.
ii) Try to voice in high pitch during conducting the lessons.
- Voice projection of an educator is an important element in conducting lesson. This is because voice projection will control the student attention and also the clear view about the lesson. When a teacher project a soft and slow voice, this make to student not to focus on the lessons. Therefore, as an educator we should try to project high pitch voice during conducting the lessons.
iii) Try to use the concept of student centred learning.
- Most of us done this mistake during conducting our lessons. When a teacher only speak in class, students get easily get boredom during the lessons. Students should also need some active method of teaching rather than listening only. Therefore, as an educator we should try to engage students as more as possible.
In conclusion, the mock teaching presentations assignments is a assign that make me learn new things as well that I never before this the do and dont's. I take this moment to Madam Ng, who give me a chance to prove myself to become a teacher or a best path way in order to become an educator. Moreover, I also like to thank all my pedagogy classmates who have collaborate with me during my mock teaching presentation.
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