What is rule?
Rule is a statement that tells us what is allowed or what will happen within a particular system. Rules are just like other instructional activities. Students have to be taught, reviewed and reinforced if they are to be remembered. As future educator when we start our first lesson to the class, the lesson should be on teaching of rules. Introduce each rule and discuss the variety of behaviours that the rule might include.From my point of view, rules are important tool that every class teacher should implement in their class. This is because,rules help to keep the class running smoothly so that we have more time for teaching academics. In order of that, the rules that I will set for my form 1 class as a classroom teacher are:
1. Keep the classroom clean and neat.
- A clean classroom will makes the students feel better that which leads to more positive experience in learning.
2. Raise your hand before speak.
- This is because, teacher can identify who is willing to speak. Moreover, if nobody raised their hand everyone will talk at once and nobody could hear what was being say.
3. Ask permission.
- Asking permission from teacher before doing something, as it reflects the student respect towards the teacher. Respecting teacher is a attitude that should owned by every student.
4. Be on time.
- Students are required to come on time to classes. This is because, when a student come late to the class, they have been missed certain lessons that might left them behind in the topic.
5. Get done with homework and worksheets on time.
- Students need to pass their homework and worksheet on time that will reflect students attitude to the teacher. By doing the homework and worksheets will help the students to understand what they have learned.
This are rules that I will implement when been a class teacher. I hope this rules help me to manage the class and create a conducive learning environment to students.
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