
Thursday, 31 December 2015

During this course, I have discovered

Pedagogy in education is a course that will be a stepping stone for our teaching career. This is because, during this course I have learnt on a lot of new things that I never heard or see before this. In this post, I will like to share my feelings when entered the first lesson of pedagogy class. Before enter to the class, I just think that this course as same as the course I take semester before this, such as the method of learning that used in semester courses. But for this course is different from others because after I went through the first lesson of this course, I feel little bit nervous on how I am going to give my best to my lecture Madam Ng.  I realise  that I have to changed some learning method that I have been used before this in my learning process. From the realisation, I try to give my best as possible in every class I attended. One of the example is I never touched my hand phone during the lessons and this help me to stay focus on my learning process. From every pedagogy class, I have learnt something new that enhance me in my learning process.

First of all, I have discovered the importance of using technologies in conducting lessons. Before this, I just think that white board and a marker  tool is enough for a teacher to conduct a lessons. After went through pedagogy classes, I realise that technologies plays an important role in making the learning and teaching to be effective. One of the example, that my lecture uses in our class pad let website. Before the course, I have never been heard of this at all. Pad let website is a browser where students can give their opinion in the topic and also the opinions can discuss among the class. The website is really helpful for me by comparing my idea and others about the topic and my lecture can rectify my mistake on the spot. The method help us to stay focus in our learning environment. This method will be one of my teaching method as well as in future.

Moreover, I also discovered the In my second class, my lecture teach me on how to set our blogger account. The blog will be our assignment. We need to post our reflection of every week class. The blog method is really awesome. This is because, when every time I am doing my reflection I will try to recall the whole lesson that what we have learnt from beginning until the end of the lesson. In order of that, I will remember each of the lessons I have learnt from the class without referring  any notes. Furthermore, the blogger really help to reduce of paper for our assignments. This is because, in blog we also can design it according to our ideas and also the assignments we publish no need to print and showed to our lecture. It will the use of money in our assignments rather than spending money for just printing the assignments.

In addition, I also discovered my school of taught that I will be used in my teaching method. Before this, I only know what is my philosophy of education. But after the pedagogy lesson I also find out my teaching method that I will be used in my  teaching activities to make more effective. 

Furthermore, I also discovered the classroom management  and classroom rules are the key to manage an effective learning and teaching process. During this topic we had a discussion on the rules in the classroom, I was exposed to many different kind of situations given by lecture Madam Ng and also my fellow classmates in the discussion on how to face different aspect of situation in managing the classroom. The discussion is really gave me a lot of information on how to prepare myself into when i enter the teaching world. As a reflection of that week, Madam Ng ask us to create our own classroom rules that can manage our teaching activity well. To answer the question, I have done a lot of research on the rules of the classroom. These prove that this course is providing me a opportunity to prepare myself more into the real world of teaching.

Besides that, I also discovered the importance of lesson plan as well. During the preparation of my mock teaching I find a little bit difficult in organizing my lesson plan. This is because this is my first mock teaching and lesson plan preparation. However, the guidance that Madam Ng gave to us is really helpful me to proceed the lesson plan preparation. Therefore, lesson plan is a guidance for an educator to conduct the lessons in class.

Next, I also learned on how to prepare slides, handouts and worksheet for students. Before this, for slides I always focus on decorative stuffs rather than on focusing on points. During the lesson, Madam Ng taught me on how to prepare slides in a proper way and detailed. This tips is really helpful for me to realise my mistake on preparing slides for presentation.

Last but not least, I also discovered that teacher job is not an easy job as others think especially my parents. Teacher responsibility is not only conducting lessons for students but it is more than that such as preparing handouts, worksheets and etc. As an educator, we also should make our teaching method should effective to students learning.

I also like to take this opportunity to thank Madam Ng for providing me a proper guidance and advice that I need for myself to enter the world of teaching. Every single lessons she teach us is really make me more knowledgeable from day to day. This is not my last post on this blog but after this course also, I will try my level best to make this website to be more informatics. Thanks alot my lecture Madam Ng and also my fellow classmates who have a supporters during this course.

Thursday, 24 December 2015

The Mock Teaching that

a) I prefers and the reasons.

First of all, I like to wish all my classmates congrats that they have done a good job on their mock teaching. The mock teaching will them as a first stepping stone to achieve their dreams to become a teacher.Moreover, being an educator is not an easy thing but it is something more than other professions. 

In my opinion, the best mock teaching which I like the most was the Economics mock teaching done my Denslee Eng. The teaching style that he have used in his mock teaching is really impressed me. One of the example, before he start the lesson of the day, he try to recall the previous lesson for students. This strategic is really good that can help the students to remember what they have been learned from the previous lesson as well. Moreover, the method to deliver the lessons is really from others method. He uses colourful booklet as handouts that have contain a very detailed about the chapter he going to teach. The booklet also contain the notes and also worksheets. The booklet is really good because when teacher wrote notes on the board and students copied in their notebooks, it takes a lot of time just for write and copy. In addition, the booklet also look small size, thin and the notes are clearly illustrate.

Moreover, another strategic that he have used in his teaching method is power point slides that is advanced. The power point slides that he used is really clearly illustrate the each points in the chapter. This makes the students to be more understandable.  

Furthermore, the strategic that he have been used was handworks that he have made by himself. Rather than only using power point method, he also use handwork such as manila cards and mahjong paper with colourful fonts. The fonts that have been used was huge enough that every students can see clearly even from the last table and also clearly illustrated. This method really make me to stay focus on the learning process because with the colourful stuffs that he have used in the teaching method.  In the manila cards, he stick some pictures that related to the daily life. He try to relate the lesson with the examples pictures involve of daily life activities which could make me more understandable. This method help him to use well the time given to him rather than writing a huge notes on the white board until student feel bored.

In addition, he recap the lesson by showing some example to students such as grapes. The grapes make me until now also remember the lesson he have taught. Moreover, the personality that he reflect as a teacher from his dressing sense. He prove that attire really create an impression to people.

As a future educator, I really prefer to Dens Lee approaching method to student such as the effort he took to attract students and make student understandable on what they have learned on. I am really thankful to my pedagogy classmates who giving me the chance to see on the examples of mock teaching which were helpful for me to prepare myself as future educator.

b) the things that I saw during the mock teaching presentation which should be avoided

i) Avoid using whiteboard too much
- This is because when a teacher uses the whiteboard as it will consume so much of time just by writing and erasing rather than delivering lessons to students. Moreover, when teacher are busy writing notes for students reference, but the students are busy in doing other things. This make the students less concentrate during lessons. So, please try to avoid using white board as can as possible.

ii) Try to voice in high pitch during conducting the lessons.
- Voice projection of an educator is an important element in conducting lesson. This is because voice projection will control the student attention and also the clear view about the lesson. When a teacher project a soft and slow voice, this make to student not to focus on the lessons. Therefore, as an educator we should try to project high pitch voice during conducting the lessons.

iii) Try to use the concept of student centred learning.
- Most of us done this mistake during conducting our lessons. When a teacher only speak in class, students get easily get boredom during the lessons. Students should also need some active method of teaching rather than listening only. Therefore, as an educator we should try to engage students as more as possible.

In conclusion, the mock teaching presentations assignments is a assign that make me learn new things as well that I never before this the do and dont's. I take this moment to Madam Ng, who give me a chance to prove myself to become a teacher or a best path way in order to become an educator. Moreover, I also like to thank all my pedagogy classmates who have collaborate with me during my mock teaching presentation. 

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Preparation for Mock Teaching

What is mock teaching?
In my opinion, mock teaching is a rehearsal activity of teaching that need to done in order to become a teacher.It is process in which a student think themselves as a teacher and the other classmates as their students and conduct a lesson. 

At first time, my lecture assign me to do mock teaching based on the lesson plan we created.In my first pedagogy class, I started to feel nervous when I heard that my lecture said that my assignment 2 is mock teaching.This is because, I still couldn't imagine myself standing in front of the class and teach. However, I know that as a future teacher,I have to undergone this situation and try to give my best as I can. One of my disadvantage is that I have never seen a student doing mock teaching before this. This reason make me stress me a little but it is one of the challenge that I need to faced and drive me to the success. To overcome the challenge, I try to get some advices from my seniors on how to get done with my mock teaching. One of my senior, her name is Shamita. She help me a lot by giving ideas on do and dont's that we need to care during the mock teaching. One of the example is she ask me try engage the students in learning activities by asking questions to them rather than writing on the board, explaining slides and handouts. This advice that I took as my main point to create my lesson plan. 

Based on my pedagogy course, we should create our lesson plan before we conduct the lesson. As my assignment was on create three lesson plan and choose one of the lesson plan for mock teaching. During the preparation for lesson plan, I have undergone a lot of difficulties in arranging my lesson plan especially the lesson plan for mock teaching. Before creating the lesson plan, we should choose the topic first. When choosing the topic for form 1 Mathematics really I feel difficult and I go through the syllabus for more than 20 times. Then, finally I have chosen my topic that I am going to teach is Fractions and Decimals. This topic is a very important topic in mathematics that which will base for other topic that going to learn in further. As a preparation for lesson plan, I have searched browser and watched some youtube videos on how to teach the fractions and decimals in an effective way. Moreover, I also go through my notes that I have been get during my form 1 Mathematics for handouts. These is little bit curious for you when I am saying that having form 1 Mathematics notes. This is because until now I have a collection of mathematics reference book,exercise book and handouts that given by teachers from form 1 until form 6. The reasons why I having this collection because I love to learn mathematics. As a prove, even though I do not like to teach but for learning mathematics I have chosen this course for my career. Moreover, in my free time I am always take one of my mathematics exercise and do the questions in the book.This activity really helpful for me when creating the handouts and worksheets for the lesson plan. In addition, I also try to get the latest Mathematics textbook Form 1 from my sisters to make my lesson plan  real that I can be used when I have become a teacher. It took almost 4-5 days for creating my handouts and worksheets to students.

Next is lesson plan creation. This is my first time on creating lesson plan for my assignment, so I have planned well before creating the lesson plan.The lesson plan creation took almost 3 days to do and arranged in manner way.

Finally, mock teaching preparation. This stage is a stage that give me awareness on the mistakes that I have done in my handouts and lesson plans. For mock teaching we need to practice first, so that to have an effective teaching in the class because this is my first time of teaching mathematics in class. As an educator, we all should familiar with the proverbs "practice make perfects. In each activity that we went through should be use the proverb.

The preparation for mock teaching is a experience that will be remembered until whole teaching journey. The mock teaching is a base for me to achieve my career as a teacher. I hope that this preparation will help to do my best for my mock teaching presentation.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Classroom Rules

Classroom Rules

What is rule?
Rule is a statement that tells us what is allowed or what will happen within a particular system. Rules are just like other instructional activities. Students have to be taught, reviewed and reinforced if they are to be remembered. As future educator when we start our first lesson to the class, the lesson should be on teaching of rules. Introduce each rule and discuss the variety of behaviours that the rule might include.From my point of view, rules are important tool that every class teacher should implement in their class. This is because,rules help to keep the class running smoothly so that we have more time for teaching academics. In order of that, the rules that I will set for my form 1 class as a classroom teacher are:

1. Keep the classroom clean and neat.
  • A clean classroom will makes the students feel better that which leads to more positive experience in learning. 

2. Raise your hand before speak.
  • This is because, teacher can identify who is willing to speak. Moreover, if nobody raised their hand everyone will talk at once and nobody could hear what was being say.

3. Ask permission.
  • Asking permission from teacher before doing something, as it reflects the student respect towards the teacher. Respecting  teacher is a attitude that should owned by every student.

4. Be on time.
  • Students are required to come on time to classes. This is because, when a student come late to the class, they have been missed certain lessons that might left them behind in the topic.

5. Get done with homework and worksheets on time.
  • Students need to pass their homework and worksheet on time that will reflect students attitude to the teacher. By doing the homework and worksheets will help the students to understand what they have learned.

This are rules that I will implement when been a class teacher. I hope this rules help me to manage the class and create a conducive learning environment to students. 

Friday, 20 November 2015

Strategies of an effective Power Point Presentation

First of all, let me explain what is power point presentation. Power point presentation is a quick and easy way to organize ideas and information of a presenter to the audience. In other words, a power point presentation is a demonstration,speech to transmits information  or messages. However, in education power point plays a main role in delivering the lessons to the students. Power point presentation is also a pedagogy method of delivering the knowledge to students.As from this week class we have learned on how to prepare an effective power point presentation in delivering knowledge to students. There are few strategies that was thought by our pedagogy lecture (Madam Ng) to us on how to prepare an effective power point presentation in our teaching activity.

  1. First of all, when preparing our power point slides try to avoid using colours that is too bright and dull such as pink, yellow and etc., as possible try to keep the slides background as simple by using white colour or peach colour as the background.
  2. Next, select a proper templates or layouts in power point. The template that can adjust size according to the information's, so that learners are able to have a clear view of the information that have been presented in slides.
  3. Avoid adding too much of information's or details into one slides and try to keep one point in one slides. This will help the presenter to organize the information rather squeezing all information in one slide. 
  4. Try use keywords or main point in slides. This is because, when there is too much information in slides that will might be turn up to reading of slides rather than presenting.
  5. Relate the lesson with examples by providing video that relate to the lesson which make me the student understood well about the lesson.
  6. Try using real clip art rather than use a non clear picture that might confuse the learners.
  7. Use creative strategy by adding pictures into the slides with the title and ask the learners opinion before starting delivering the information. It will enable students to have a better understanding on what they are going to learn. 

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Stages in Lesson Plan...

As I mention in my previous post, that lesson plan is the instructor's road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time. A lesson plan is a detailed guide for teaching a lesson. It is a step-by-step guide that outlines the teacher's objectives for what the students will accomplish on the lesson. Furthermore, creating a lesson plan involves setting goals, developing activities, and determining the materials that will be used during the lessons.

The benefits of lesson plan for an educator are:

  • Helps educator to stay on track
  • Helps educator to prepare for every step of the lesson
  • Provide guidance for a substitute
  • Helps educator to save time in the future
  • Helps educator achieve their objectives
  • Helps educator to think in an organised manner
  • Inspires to improve future lessons

Moreover, details in lesson plan will vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being teaches and the needs of the students. A lesson plan is a process that which starts from the goal (what students are supposed to learn), how the goal will be reached (the method, procedure) and a way of measuring how well the goal was reached (test,worksheet, homework).

In order of that, there are several stages in lesson plan. In my opinion, the important stage of lesson plan is the student evaluation stage. This is because in the student evaluation stage is a stage that evaluate a student understanding from what they have learned from the entire lesson. For example, me as a student, whenever there is a task or worksheet that given by teacher to me. Then, i only i start to go through the notes during the lesson to answer the task or worksheet.Therefore, an evaluation stage is very important stage for a student and a teacher.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

First time experience on creating lesson plan

What is lesson plan ?

In my opinion, from yesterday lesson plan is a just a reference that need to prepared by teachers before entering the class. However from today class I have learn on the importance of the lesson plan and how to create it. How make me  realise the importance of lesson plan for a teacher? 

The story began from my pedagogy class today.
Today our task in class is creating lesson plan based on our knowledge. When the discussion start on the content of the lesson plan, we all start giving ideas such as date,time,content,topic,reflection and extra.

Then, my lecture have be given a task in group work on create lesson plan based on the content of lesson plan that we gave during the discussion. As per our task, we also start our task by searching Google on example of lesson plan. During the searching of the example of lesson plan, I have found different type of lesson plan as been created. After 30 minutes, we have draft a lesson plan based on our understanding. The draft is as below.

Lesson Plan

Date :
Time / Duration :
Subject :
Topic :
Venue :
No. of students :

Introduction :

Learning Objectives :

Activity during Class :

Teaching Method :

Materials :

Learning Outcomes / Reflection :

Proficiency / Competency :
Beginner  -                     
Intermediate -
Expert /Advance -

Conclusion :

Each of the group has been projected different type of lesson plan which differ from each of the group.After the discussion my lecture have given on importance of lesson plan for a teacher and student.

Lesson plan is  the instructor’s road map of what students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during the class time. Before you plan your lesson, you will first need to identify the learning objectives for the class meeting.  Then, you can design appropriate learning activities and develop strategies to obtain feedback on student learning. A successful lesson plan addresses and integrates these three key components:

  • Objectives of student's learning
  • Teaching and learning activity
  • Strategies to check student understanding
In conclusion, I have understand the importance of a lesson plan from today's class. A lesson plan is not a simply creating but it is creating based on the student's and teacher understanding before start the lesson to the students.