My Philosophy
is a word that determines a goal or aim of an individual. As an individual we
all should have a philosophy in our life to help us to show a correct path way
to achieve our dreams or goals in our lives. As a future educator I have made a promise to myself
and my future students to give a best academic, personality and ethical role I
can be. It is my aim to have a mutually improve my teaching career by keeping
an open mind to accept the opinions of students about learning process and try
to have a two way communication in my teaching process with my students. I also
try to be ready to face challenges of teaching in the 21st century.
In order of that,
my philosophy of education is “I always believe the children are our future
leaders of this world. This is because, student have capability to bring something unique and
greater to the world. As a future educator, I will always help the children to
develop their potential by believing in them as capable individuals.
Furthermore, I will be right there to assist the children find out whom they
are, so that they can express their own thoughts and nurture their own ideas.
Moreover, as a future educator, I will make
sure that the student who will have knowledge, thinking skills, leadership
skills, bilingual proficiency, ethics and spiritually and a strong sense of
national identity.
According to Malaysia Education Blueprint, the students should have the skills
needed for life and work in the modern economy. I have a dream of a world where
people learn to respect, accept and embrace the differences between us, as the
core of what makes life so fascinating.
In addition, as a
future educator I should teach them well and let them lead the way. I also try to be a role model to the
students which involve of behaviourism learning theory. Every classroom presents
a unique community of learners that differ not only in abilities, but also in
learning styles. My job as an educator is to give children the tools with which
to cultivate their own gardens of knowledge. To achieve this goal, I will teach
to the needs of each child so that all learners can feel capable and
successful. For this, I will present curriculum that involves the interests of
the children and makes learning relevant to life such as integrated units,
projects, group or individual work and hands on learning.
As conclusion, I
will tie learning into the world community to help children become caring and
active members of society. I also promise to the society, that I will be a
honest and well knowledge to every student I teach.
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