
Saturday, 31 October 2015

School of Thought about Learning and Teaching

What is school of thought about learning and teaching? School of thought about learning and teaching is a group sharing a common point of view in respect to learning. The school of thought has been divided into three groups which is cognitive school of thought, humanistic school of thought and behavioural school of thought.

Cognitive school of thought is mostly focus on our thinking patterns. They are concerned with our mind processing information and the schemes that we form. Cognitive school of thought is also internal processes that include perception, attention, language, memory and thinking.

The characteristic of Cognitive school of thought is :

  • Problem Solving
  • Information Processing
  • Meaningful Learning
  • Authentic Learning
  • Reciprocal Teaching
Humanistic school of thought is a human centred education. Moreover, humanistic belief that school should be made to fit the child and also the educational environment should satisfy basic human needs.  

The characteristic of Humanistic school of thought is :

  • having good feelings about oneself is essential to positive personal development and may enhance academic achievement. 
  • Accept learners as they are each and every student are different from one and another.
  • Knowing what to learn rather than acquiring knowledge only .
  • Moral Education
Behavioural school of thought is focus on one particular view of learning which is a change in external behaviour achieved through using reinforcement and repetition to shape behaviour.

The Characteristic of Behavioural school of thought is :

  • Make the classroom enjoyable intellectually, socially and physically so that learners feels safe and secure.
  • Show connection of new learning to previous learning.  
  • Recognize and praise improvement. 
  • Create situations whereby each student has the opportunity to succeed.   
From the three school of thought, I have chosen the cognitive school of thought based on my majoring Mathematics. In Mathematics, students should be able to recall or remember and understand the characters and number in mathematics. This is because, students are required to remember math facts and the sequences for performing operations with numbers. In cognitive school of thought, problem solving encouraged student to remember a similar problem type or situation.

According to Bloom Taxonomy, first of all student will remember the facts and formula in Mathematics. Next, the students will understand the concept in Mathematics and will apply or execute in new mathematics question. After that, students will try to draw a connections among the ideas that have been learned before this and and evaluate or justify a decision. At last, student will able to produce or create a new facts or formula to solve the problems in  Mathematics.

                                                 Image result for bloom taxonomy teaching method characteristics

In conclusion, I believe that cognitive school of thought will help students to remember, understand, apply, analyse, evaluate and create the formula in Mathematics. Moreover, I also believe that problem solving is one of strong strategy that can be used by teachers in class to have meaningful learning with students in Mathematics class.


Reflection 1

Reflection 1

 Learning is not only a process of acquiring knowledge but also is a process of accumulating information from time to time. Everyone has learned something new and unique from our lives or education in each and every day. In order of that, as a student or future educator today I have learn something new that on setting up my blogspot and windows live writer.
Before sharing my experience on setting up blogspot and windows life writer, let me explain about what is blogspot and windows live writer. Blogspot is a page of discussion or informal site published on the World Wide Web (www). Windows live writer is software that helps us to save our post when we are offline. The experience on setting up blog is really teaches me a lot of new lessons that I have never learned before this.

First of all, by setting up blogspot I have learned that the use of technologies that help to enhance the quality of teaching and learning process. When setting up my own blogspot, I have been learned on the use of new technologies in teaching and learning process. This helps me to stay along on track of use of technologies in education.
Moreover, by creating blogspot help the student to improve their cognitive domain and social domain. The blogspot help us to think and write something new information and also encouraging social mobility. The information that we wrote in our blog that help us to share our knowledge with other students as well.
In addition, when creating the blogspot in our class, every student in my class helps each other to create the blog. These activities really help us to have to a good relationship between our classmates. By helping each other in our class, we also encourage social domain that to have a cooperative learning environment.
Furthermore, blogspot also help the learners and the teacher to share each other opinions which we also can label as two way communication. The blogspot also show humanistic instructional approaches. The humanistic instructional is focus on self knowledge and also enhance self concept. For example, when creating the blog we also create our profile as well. The profile shows our self knowledge and also self concept. Therefore, learner can give their opinions in the blogspot discussion which help the teacher to understand the student and have a two way communication in the learning and teaching process.

In conclusion, as a future teacher in the 21st century, I am taking a promise that I want to have a classroom where my students can enjoy learning experiences. For example by choosing blogging platform and let student engage in learning process that involve of education technology. By creating the blogspot is really help me learn something new lesson rather than listening to lecturing in classroom and also give me a new idea on improving my teaching method in future. Blogspot also help me in future to evaluate a student progressive accurately and correctly.

My Philosophy

My Philosophy

Philosophy is a word that determines a goal or aim of an individual. As an individual we all should have a philosophy in our life to help us to show a correct path way to achieve our dreams or goals in our lives. As a future educator I have made a promise to myself and my future students to give a best academic, personality and ethical role I can be. It is my aim to have a mutually improve my teaching career by keeping an open mind to accept the opinions of students about learning process and try to have a two way communication in my teaching process with my students. I also try to be ready to face challenges of teaching in the 21st century.

In order of that, my philosophy of education is “I always believe the children are our future leaders of this world. This is because, student have capability to bring something unique and greater to the world. As a future educator, I will always help the children to develop their potential by believing in them as capable individuals. Furthermore, I will be right there to assist the children find out whom they are, so that they can express their own thoughts and nurture their own ideas.

 Moreover, as a future educator, I will make sure that the student who will have knowledge, thinking skills, leadership skills, bilingual proficiency, ethics and spiritually and a strong sense of national identity. According to Malaysia Education Blueprint, the students should have the skills needed for life and work in the modern economy. I have a dream of a world where people learn to respect, accept and embrace the differences between us, as the core of what makes life so fascinating.

In addition, as a future educator I should teach them well and let them lead the way. I also try to be a role model to the students which involve of behaviourism learning theory. Every classroom presents a unique community of learners that differ not only in abilities, but also in learning styles. My job as an educator is to give children the tools with which to cultivate their own gardens of knowledge. To achieve this goal, I will teach to the needs of each child so that all learners can feel capable and successful. For this, I will present curriculum that involves the interests of the children and makes learning relevant to life such as integrated units, projects, group or individual work and hands on learning.

As conclusion, I will tie learning into the world community to help children become caring and active members of society. I also promise to the society, that I will be a honest and well knowledge to every student I teach.